无处不在的知识库 | Funds of Knowledge in Education



Education is a ubiquitous learning process that encompasses all aspects of life. It includes not only formal education from schools, but also intangible influences from families, peers, and the socio-cultural environment. This featured event aims to initiate a wide exploration of the life-long learning process. Through storytelling and knowledge sharing via videos, we can uncover educational stories, concepts, and issues that have not yet gained much public attention. In today’s social media era, video language helps to convey important information to the public, expand the boundaries of education in practice, and explore new possibilities of educational settings. Together, we hope to build funds of knowledge through the perspectives and lenses of the individuals around us.


Outstanding Video Showcase 优秀投稿展示

*Check out all Funds of Knowledge in Education videos on Harvard CES WeChat Public Channel.

可持续发展教育 | Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)


Climate change has become an urgent crisis faced by all of mankind today, and education can be a key component of global action against it.  This special event focuses on how to empower Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in light of global climate change and China's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. It brings together educators from international organizations, universities, institutions, and society to discuss ESD in primary and secondary schools, as well as innovative opportunities for young people. A public exhibition of ESD cases and climate change photography will also be organized to inspire participants' imaginations as well as to create a community of educators who will collaborate and learn from each other.

关辽 | Liao Guan

Founder and CEO of KnowCarbon
Associate Dean of Zero-carbon Academy
Ph.D. candidate at Tsinghua University

关辽博士是KnowCarbon创始人兼CEO,零碳学院副院长,清华大学博士生 ,清华大学博士生讲师团讲师,共青团山西省委讲师团讲师,美国百人会英才奖获得者,全国大学生生态文明联盟理事长,以及天津市向上向善好青年。他致力于碳中和和环境治理。关博士所创建的KnowCarbon入选联合国开发计划署UNDP青年培育项目,也让他成为了可持续发展力量中的新青年代表。

Liao Guan is the founder and CEO of KnowCarbon, the youth representative of climate education, a Ph.D. student at Tsinghua University, a lecturer at Tsinghua University Ph.D. Lectureship, a lecturer at the Shanxi Provincial Committee Lectureship of the Communist Youth League, the prizewinner of the Excellence Award of Committee of 100, the president of the National Student Eco-Civilization Alliance, and the nominator of Tianjin Good Youth. He works in the field of carbon neutrality and environmental governance. He founded “KnowCarbon,” which was selected by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for Youth Development Program and he too had become a new generation representative of the forces of sustainable development.


曲炜 | Wei Qu

Director of the Center for Global Learning at the School of Social Sciences at Tsinghua University
Founder of the Horizon Program

曲炜是一名法学博士, 现任清华大学社会科学学院全球学习中心主任,IUP 项目(清华大学、耶鲁、斯坦福等11所世界一流高校共同实施的人才培养和学术交流项目)中方负责人。他负责在中央部委和地方政府、大型企业和金融机构、海外高校及国际组织的合作拓展和实施。同时,他创立了“地平线”全球青年共同发展计划,致力于为青年参与全球治理与可持续发展进程提供支持与助力。

Dr. Wei Qu is the director of the Center for Global Learning at the School of Social Sciences at Tsinghua University, as well as the Chinese leader of the IUP Program, a talent cultivation and academic exchange program jointly implemented by 11 world-class universities including Tsinghua University, Yale University and Stanford University. He is responsible for the expansion and implementation of cooperation between central ministries and local governments, large enterprises and financial institutions, and overseas universities and international organizations. He also founded the Horizon Global Youth Development Program, which aims to support and empower young people to participate in global governance and sustainable development.


史根东 | Gendong Shi

Executive Director of the UNESCO's Education for Sustainable Development in China Researcher of the Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences

史根东是俄罗斯国立莫斯科师范大学教育科学博士, 现任联合国教科文组织中国可持续发展教育项目执行主任,北京教育科学研究院生态文明与可持续发展教育创新工作室主任,以及北京可持续发展教育协会首席顾问。2017年, 他获评美国国际教育荣誉学会桂冠学者称号。自1998年以来,他一直从事研究与实施中国可持续发展教育(ESD)项目,从事可持续发展教育与生态文明教育理论研究与实践研究,已发表多部专著及中英文论文总字数逾500多万字,受邀赴UNESCO会议与20多个国家进行教育学术交流。2009年,他负责的北京教科院研究ESD团队获评北京市基础教育优秀教学成果一等奖。2012 年,他任会长的北京可持续发展教育协会获UNESCO教育革新文晖奖。

Gendong Shi is the Executive Director of the UNESCO Secretariat for Education for Sustainable Development in China, and the Beijing Institute of Education Sciences researcher. He was awarded the title Laureate Scholar of the International Honor Society in Education in 2017. He has devoted himself to the research and implementation of ESD projects in China since 1998. He has published several monographs and papers with a total of more than 5 million words in both Chinese and English. He has been invited to UNESCO conferences for educational and academic exchanges with more than 20 countries. In 2009, the ESD research team of the Beijing Academy of Education under his charge was awarded the first prize in Excellent Teaching Achievements in Basic Education in Beijing. In 2012, the Beijing Education Association for Sustainable Development under his chairmanship was awarded the UNESCO Education Innovation Prize.


蒂娜·格罗策 | Tina Grotzer

Faculty Member and Principal Research Scientist at Harvard Graduate School of Education Cognitive and Learning Scientist

Tina Grotzer是哈佛大学教育学院的教职员和首席研究科学家。她是一名认知与学习科学家,致力于研究在可持续和气候教育相关领域与复杂性相关的教育。作为复杂世界认知实验室的首席研究员,她专注于研究如何在课堂上注入因果学习(CLiC),以支持可持续思想家和气候知识公民的发展。蒂娜是哈佛大学教育研究生院EcoLEARN团队的首席研究员和Next Level实验室的教职员,专注于研究在不确定、复杂和模糊世界中的工作。蒂娜也是一名气候教育专家,为过渡到“净零”进行教育,研究使气候教育的方法更具包容性,以及将思维方式从短期转向长期思考的方法。她曾获得哈佛教育研究生院晨星卓越教学奖和科学家和工程 师总统早期职业奖。

Tina Grotzer is a member of the Faculty of Education and a Principal Research Scientist at Harvard University. She is a cognitive and learning scientist who studies learning and education as it relates to the complexity of our world and specifically to sustainability and climate education. Her work as a Principal Investigator (PI) of the Cognition in a Complex World Lab studies ways in which infusing Causal Learning in the Classroom (CLiC) can support the development of sustainable thinkers and climate-knowledgeable citizens. Tina is a PI on the EcoLEARN team at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Faculty Directory of the Next Level Lab (NLL) with a focus on the future of work in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world. Tina is an expert in climate education, educating for the transition to Net Zero, making approaches to climate education more inclusive, as well as shifting mindsets from short-term to long-term thinking. She was awarded the Career Award from NSF in 2009, a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers by the United States Government in 2011, and the Morningstar Teaching Award from Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2013.

*Guest speakers are not listed in any particular order


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