主旨演讲嘉宾 | Keynote speaker


开幕致辞 | Opening Remarks

吴弭 | Michelle Wu

Mayor of Boston


吴市长一直为城市领导层的可及性、透明度和社区参与度发声。她在2013年11月当选为波士顿市议会会议员时28岁,成为首位担任该议员的美国亚裔女性。2016 年 1 月,她被同事们一致投票选举为市议会主席。成为首位担任市议会主席的有色人种女性。

Michelle Wu is the Mayor of Boston. She is a daughter of immigrants, Boston Public Schools mom to two boys, an MBTA commuter, and a fierce believer that we can solve our deepest challenges through building community. She graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School and is fluent in Mandarin and Spanish. As Mayor, Michelle is working in coalition to deliver bold, systemic change and make Boston a city for everyone. 

Mayor Wu has been a voice for accessibility, transparency, and community engagement in city leadership. First elected to the Boston City Council in November 2013 at the age of 28, Wu is the first Asian-American woman to serve on the Council. In January 2016, she was elected President of the City Council by her colleagues in a unanimous vote, becoming the first woman of color to serve as Council President. 

中美教育科研的展望与挑战 | The Future Prospect of US-China Education and Research Collaborations

黄亚生 | Yasheng Huang

麻省理工Sloan商学院全球合作项目副院长 (2013-2017)
Epoch Foundation Professor of Global Economics and Management, MIT Sloan School of Management
Associate Dean of MIT Sloan’s Global Partnership Programs (2013-2017) 
Founder and President of Asian American Scholar Forum

黄亚生是麻省理工Sloan商学院Epoch基金会全球经济与管理教授。从2013年到2017年,他担任Sloan商学院全球合 作项目和行动学习计划的副院长。他曾在密歇根大学和哈佛商学院任教。黄教授撰写了11本英文和中文书籍,也发表了 多篇学术论文和新闻评论。黄教授创建并经营着中国实验室、东盟实验室和印度实验室,致力于为这些国家的数百家 中小型企业提供低成本咨询服务。从2015年到2018年,他曾在云南省开展由高盛基金会资助的女性企业家赋能项目。 他获得过诸多权威性的研究奖学金,包括斯坦福大学国家研究奖学金和社会科学研究委员会-麦克阿瑟奖学金。国家亚 洲研究计划将他评为在研究对美国政策重要性问题方面表现突出的最杰出学者之一。他曾担任世界银行、亚洲开发银 行和OECD组织顾问,并担任诸多组织的咨询专家。他是非营利组织亚裔美国学者论坛的创始成员及现任主席,该组 织以开放科学、权益保护及亚裔美国学者的福祉为使命。在2023-4年期间,他是华盛顿特区伍德罗·威尔逊中心基辛格 研究所的访问研究学者,致力于研究与中美关系相关的课题。

Yasheng Huang is the Epoch Foundation Professor of global economics and management at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. From 2013 to 2017, he served as an associate dean in charge of MIT Sloan’s global partnership programs and its action learning initiatives. His previous appointments include faculty positions at the University of Michigan and at Harvard Business School. Professor Huang is the author of 11 books in both English and Chinese and of many academic papers and news commentaries. Professor Huang founded and runs China Lab, ASEAN Lab, and India Lab, which have provided low-cost consulting services to hundreds of small and medium enterprises in these countries. From 2015 to 2018, he ran a program in Yunnan province to train women entrepreneurs (funded by Goldman Sachs Foundation). He has held or received prestigious fellowships such as National Fellowship at Stanford University and Social Science Research Council-MacArthur Fellowship. The National Asia Research Program named him one of the most outstanding scholars in the U.S. conducting research on issues of policy importance to the U.S. He has served as a consultant at World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and OECD, and serves on advisory and corporate boards of various organizations. He is a founding member and current president of Asian American Scholar Forum, an NGO dedicated to open science, protection of rights, and well-being of Asian American scholars. During 2023-4, he is a visiting fellow at the Kissinger Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington DC working on topics related to US-China relations.

科技激发教育生命力——科技创新在悟空中文课堂的应用 | Igniting the Spark of Learning: The Power of Educational Technology

Vicky Wang

国际在线教育品牌悟空中文(WuKong Education)创始人兼CEO
Founder and CEO of WuKong Education

Vicky于2016年创立国际在线教育品牌WuKong Education,致力于通过科技的手段赋能全球青少年素质教育。旗下品牌“WuKong Chinese 悟空中文”首次把 Inquiry-based Learning 探究式教学法和 PBL项目制学习法引入国际青少儿汉语教学;“WuKong Math 悟空国际数学”注重对学生创新数学思维和综合素养的提升。

凭借对国际在线教育领域的开拓,Vicky在2021及2022年连续两年上榜《财富》中国最具影响力商业女性,并被国际智库HolonlQ评为全球144位EdTech Women Leaders之一。


Vicky founded the global online education brand WuKong Education in 2016, and since then WuKong has been committed to providing students across the world with quality-oriented education backed by advanced technologies. “WuKong Chinese” has integrated inquiry-based learning and PBL approaches into Chinese courses for students worldwide for the first time, meanwhile, “WuKong Math” prioritizes the improvement of students' innovative mathematical thinking and comprehensive abilities.

With her pioneering work in the international online education industry, Vicky was awarded the "Most Influential Business Women in China" title by Fortune magazine in both 2021 and 2022, and was also listed as one of the 144 EdTech Women Leaders worldwide by HolonIQ.

Vicky holds a bachelor's and master's degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM).

三人行:浅谈跨国教育经验 | “When I Walk with Two Others”: Thoughts on Transnational Education

欧立德 | Mark Elliott 

Vice Provost for International Affairs at Harvard University
Mark Schwartz Professor of Chinese and Inner Asian History

欧立德是哈佛大学国际事务副教务长,同时为文理学院东亚语言文明系暨历史系讲座教授。主要研究 方向包括清史、近代史、以及中国边疆史各个领域,特别是关系到族群、制度、帝制等问题。作为满学 专家,欧教授被认为所谓“新清史”领军人物,主张用满、蒙、藏等非汉语史料来研究清朝历史。自从 2015年,他就任副教务长职位,辅导哈佛所有国际活动、推广大学全球化、培养与世界各国大学合作 交流项目、并支持哈佛全校留美社区以及国外校友。

Elliott is an authority on the last four centuries of Chinese history, particularly the Qing period (1636-1911). His research encompasses the history of relations between China and its nomadic frontier, focusing on questions of ethnicity, institutions, and empire. An expert in Manchu studies, he is known as a pioneering figure in the “New Qing History,” which emphasizes the imprint of Inner Asian traditions upon China’s last imperial state.

As vice provost, Elliott oversees and works to advance international academic initiatives, extending the global reach of Harvard’s research and teaching activities. He also guides Harvard’s overall global strategy, sustaining its ongoing development as a global university and supporting its community of international students, scholars, and faculty in Cambridge and Boston as well as alumni around the world.

A graduate of Yale, Elliott earned his Ph.D. in History at the University of California, Berkeley. He has taught at Harvard since 2003.

在教室内外善用高阶思维 | Using Higher-Order Thinking in the Classroom and Beyond

彭敬慈博士 | Dr. K.C. Pang, MH 

Chief Director, Beijing International Bilingual Academy
Former Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of Education
Former Chief Executive, Curriculum Development Institute, Hong Kong Education Bureau Former Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong

彭敬慈博士 MH 是一位资深的教育家, 在教育界已经服务了四十二年。 他是前香港教育学院(香港教育大 学)创校副校长、曾任香港大学教育学院高级讲师及香港教育署课程发展处总监。在港大与教院期间,他曾 培训无数香港的教师及校长, 亦曾任香港中文大学博士考核工作。任课程发展总监时,彭博士统筹全香港幼 稚园、小学、初中至高中各科之课程发展工作,培养具良好价值观、高层次思考与具建构知识能力的学生。 彭博士专长校长和教师培训、学生高阶思维培养、IB课程设计与培训、提升学与教的品质工作。彭博士曾参 与超过65个香港地区及国际会议,发表论文。他还为教师、校长提供超过300次讲座、研讨会及培训课程。 彭博士的文章与著作逾112篇。

Dr. K.C. Pang, MH, has served in the education sector in Hong Kong for 42 years. He was the founding Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of Education (Currently Hong Kong Education University) and was once a senior lecturer teaching teachers and principals at the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong for 10 years. He also served as the Chief Executive in the Curriculum Development Institute of Education Department, HKSAR where he oversaw the development of all school curricula in Hong Kong from Early Childhood to Senior Secondary, developing passionate students with good values, higher-order thinking, and the ability to construct their own knowledge. Dr. Pang specializes in curriculum development, IB curriculum design and training, principals’ and teachers’ training, higher-order thinking development, and enhancing the quality of learning and teaching. Dr. Pang has participated in more than 65 regional and international conferences. He has also given more than 300 lectures, seminars, and training courses for teachers and principals. Dr. Pang has published more than 112 papers and books.

国际教育的未来:包容性在时代变更中的重要性 | The Future of International Education: The Importance of Inclusion in a Time of Change

艾伦•伯辛博士 | Dr. Alan Bersin

Altana Al执行主席
New Macro Risks执行主席
美国圣地亚哥(加州)联合学区公立教育部总司 (1998-2005)
美国加利福尼亚州教育部部长 (2006-2007)
Executive Chairman of Altana AI 
Executive Chairman of New Macro Risks 
Inaugural Senior Fellow in the Homeland Security Program at the Belfer Center, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Inaugural North America Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars (Canada and Mexico Institutes)
Former U.S. Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (2010-2011)
Former Assistant Secretary for Policy & International Affairs
Former Chief Diplomatic Officer for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (2012-2017)
Superintendent of Public Education in San Diego (California) Unified School District (1998-2005)
Secretary of Education for the State of California (2006-2007)

艾伦•伯辛是Altana Al的执行主席。Altana Al是一家新公司,开发了全球供应链的共享人工智能模 型,以帮助政府和私营部门评估跨境风险以及国际贸易和商业。在教育领域,艾伦•伯辛博士曾担任美 国加州圣地亚哥联合学区公立教育部总司,圣地亚哥公立学区在届时是美国第八大学区。伯辛博士也 曾在加利福尼亚州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格行政期间担任加州教育部部长。

Alan Bersin is Executive Chairman of Altana Al, a new company that has developed a shared artificial intelligence model of global supply chains to assist governments and the private sector to assess risk across borders and international trade and commerce. In the field of education, Dr. Bersin was Superintendent of Public Education in San Diego, heading up then the eighth largest school district in the U.S. He also was California’s Secretary of Education during the administration of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

GPT 时代中国的国际化教育 | China’s International Education In the Age of GPT

王颐 | Yi Wang

Executive Director, Harvard Center Shanghai

王颐现任哈佛中心(上海)执行董事,负责哈佛大学在中国的事务。王颐现任花旗银行(中国)的独立董 事。此前他曾任高盛集团董事总经理,麦肯锡公司全球董事合伙人。全职工作之余,王颐投身于教育 相关的公益事业。王颐是中国常熟世界联合学院(UWC)的联合创始人及董事会副主席,UWC中国 国家理事会理事。王颐1995年毕业于哈佛大学,获得哈佛大学物理及天体物理学士学位,1997-1998 年就读于牛津大学,获得硕士学位。

Yi Wang is the Executive Director of Harvard Center Shanghai, where he oversees Harvard University’s programs in China. Yi currently serves as an independent director of Citibank (China). He previously served as a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and a partner at McKinsey & Company. Outside of his full-time work, Yi has devoted himself to education-related charity work. Yi is co-founder and Vice Chair of the Board of United World College (UWC) Changshu China, and a member of the UWC China National Committee. Yi graduated from Harvard College with a bachelor’s degree in Physics and Astrophysics in 1995. He studied at the University of Oxford from 1997 to 1998 for his Master's degree.