
Traverse Dimensions, Diversify Education


6 Panels, 3 Featured Events and 59 Speakers



For more details, please consult the CES handbook.

哈佛中国教育论坛成立于2010年,是美国顶尖高等学府中对中国教育关注度最长、影响力最大的平台。一年一度的论坛旨在连接中美教育实践者、学者、政策制定者及各界领袖精英,促进与中国教育相关的讨论并支持观点交锋、成果展示、以及教育实践。论坛往届嘉宾包括: 澳大利亚前总理陆克文(Kevin Rudd)、哈佛大学费正清中国研究中心前所长柯伟林(William Kirby)、《邓小平时代》作者傅高义(Ezra Vogel)、民进中央副主席朱永新、前昆山杜克大学校长刘经南等诸多高校、教育行业中的思想行动领袖。

The China Education Symposium (CES) is an official student-run organization established by students of the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2010. Our annual symposium is recognized as one of the most well-established and well-known symposiums about China education in the United States. CES aims to gather practitioners, researchers, and policymakers in the field of education, to provide a platform for presentations of the latest research, exchange of new ideas, and brainstorming innovative solutions for education in China.

We were fortunate to hear from many insightful speakers in the past, including Kevin Rudd, the former Prime Minister of Australia; Ezra Vogel, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus at Harvard University and author of Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China; William Kirby, T. M. Chang Professor of China Studies and Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School; Zhu Yongxin, the Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party; Liu Jingnan, the former Chancellor of Duke Kunshan University.