K-12教育分论坛 | K-12 Education Panel
21世纪未来人才需要什么样的核心素养?中国的K-12学校正面临何样的挑战与机遇?何为创新?为何创新?如何创新?国内学校有哪些本土化鲜活的创新实践? 本论坛围绕“K-12学校创新与本土化实践“的主题,旨在通过开放式探讨与分享,为中国教育,尤其是基础教育阶段工作者提供学校发展和课程设计的新思路。
What core competencies will future generations in the 21st century need? What challenges and opportunities are K-12 schools in China currently facing? What is innovation? Why is innovation needed? How to innovate? How to translate the espoused values to enacted values? What are the latest localized innovative practices in Chinese schools? With a central theme of "Localized Innovations in K-12 Education", the K-12 Education panel aims to provide new ideas for school development and curriculum design for Chinese education, especially for K-12 practitioners, through panel speeches and open discussions.
俞敏洪|Minhong Yu
新东方创始人 现任新东方教育科技集团董事长 Founder and Chairman of New Oriental Education and Technology Group
Mr. YU Minhong, 59, is the founder and Chairman of New Oriental Education and Technology Group. He is also the founding partner of Hongtai Capital Holdings, Standing member of the Central Committee of China Democratic League, and member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Mr. Yu taught at Peking University between September 1985 and September 1991. He then taught at Dongfang University from October 1991 to October 1993. In November 1993, Mr. Yu founded Beijing New Oriental School as the principle. He has been serving as the Chairman of New Oriental Education and Technology Group since August 2001. Mr. Yu graduated from the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in July 1985 with a bachelor’s degree in English.
郝少林 | Shaolin Hao
北京新学道教育集团总校长 President of Beijing Xinxuedao Education Group 北京昌平新学道临川学校国际部校长 Principal of Beijing Changping Xinxuedao Linchuan International School
家庭教育专家,学习力课程创建者,他编创韵律识字、快速记忆、快速阅读和英语“六字”学习法等多项教学法。 2012年在北京创办国学启蒙的国际化学校,构建并实施学习力课程体系,所有毕业生全部圆梦世界名校。现已在全国各地举办23所全日制中小学校,致力于基础教育改革,助力教师和家长成长,让每一个生命自由绽放!
Mr. HAO Sholin is both a President of the Beijing Xinxuedao Education Company and the Principal of the Beijing Changping Xinxuedao Linchuan International School. He has a significant reputation in the field of progressive education in China. He created an innovative learning programme called the ‘Learning Power Curriculum’. He has led the development of numerous new teaching methods such as ‘rhythmic literacy’, ‘rapid memorisation’, ‘speed reading’ and the ‘six step’ approach to learning English. Since 2012, he has been a leading education figure in the establishment of a Chinese International school in Beijing to develop and implement his vision of a powerful new curriculum fully integrating Chinese and Western learning methodologies. Under his guidance, graduates from this school have gained admission to their dream universities across the world. As his reputation in the education field has risen, so the company has expanded that he has developed 23 full time K-12 schools schools across China. He remains dedicated to the reform of K-12 education, helping teachers and parents grow with the goal of ‘let every life bloom’.
张阳 | Yang Zhang
复旦大学中外政治博士 探月学院社会学部负责人 教育生态变革学院教学设计专家 Ph.D, Political system, Fudan University Director of social science division, Moonshot Academy & COO Mastery Transcript Consortium China
Kate Zhang has 10 years teaching background in diverse schools from rural high school to the top high school in China. She was awarded the first prize in the Shanghai Teacher Teaching Award. Then she chose innovative education in China. She was the lead teacher in Yungu School and Moonshot Academy. Kate has been responsible for the complete implementation of different competency transcript at the school level, from the first comprehensive competency evaluation of China’s New National College Entrance Examination to the first high school transcript based on MTC standard. The Competency Based Education Map which was drawn by her has become an important experience reference in competency based education in China.
吴迅|Nico Wu
爱文世界学校深圳校区中学部年级主任 Associate Division Head of the Secondary Division, Avenues: The World School, Shenzhen
Nico Wu joined Avenues Shenzhen this January as the Associate Division Head of the Secondary Division. She began her career as an English teacher at the University level before joining Teach for China as a teacher coach. After a number of years at TFC, she was the Deputy Director for Teacher Education and Development where she was in charge of teacher development nationally. She left TFC to work on the future of education - specifically bringing interdisciplinary project-based learning to public schools.
王珂 |Ke Wang
云南分众美丽小学校长 Principal of Yunnan Meili Primary School
After graduating from Nanjing University, Mr. Wang joined Teach for China under the umbrella of Beijing Lead Future Foundation. He continued his work in the foundation to support teacher training after working as a volunteer teacher for two years. In 2016, he participated the project of founding Meili Primary School and has been the principal of the school till now. Having been devoting to continuous observations, practices, and reflections on rural education in Yunnan for more than a decade, Mr. Wang feels grateful to collectively explore this meaningful cause with like-minded educators.
王云|Yun Wang
义格教育南京赫贤学校小学部执行校长 Principal of Primary School Nanjing HT Schools
Wang Yun, Executive Principal of HT Nanjing Impact Academy Primary School. In the past 27 years, Mr. Wang has devoted himself to curriculum and teaching reform and research. He has lead curriculum development in many renowned K-12 schools in Beijing and Qingdao. His stories have been reported by China Teacher Paper, Contemporary Educators, and other media.
*所有嘉宾排名不分先后 *Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order
随着人工智能、自然语言处理、IoT、大数据等高科技手段在日常生活中的普及,STEAM教育在飞速发展的同时面临着内容艰深、成本高昂、资源分配不均、过度追求低龄化等一系列新的问题和挑战。STEAM教育如何大众化及日常化?社区和家庭为实现学科交融提供了坚实基础:从博物馆和美术馆,到创新玩具和教育动画,丰富的教学场景使高科技触手可及。 STEAM与创新教育分论坛将探讨如何在日益饱和的产品市场中甄别并正确使用教育工具,以及如何在跨学科实践中理解STEAM和创新教育之内核。
The widespread use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural language processing (NLP), The internet of things (IoT), and Big Data accelerates the needs for cultivating media literacy and fostering computational thinking in individuals to keep up the pace. With the rapid development of STEAM education, a series of new problems and challenges, such as abstruse content, high cost, uneven distribution of resources, and illy competing for early engagement, has emerged. Therefore, how to make STEAM education accessible to a broader audience becomes an issue worth discussing. Beyond the traditional school environment, various resources in children’s ecological systems, including families and public facilities, can initiate the change and serve as solid breeding grounds for subject intersections. In this bottom-up approach, we firmly believe in the power of public museums and galleries as well as innovative toys and popular media in making STEAM education and high-tech within reach. The “STEAM & Innovative Education” Panel aims to discuss how to effectively and selectively utilize tech products in the fully saturated market. We hope to help parents and practitioners internalize the essence of STEAM education and prepare them with suitable pedagogies through interdisciplinary explorations.
玛格丽特·明斯基 | Margaret Minsky
上海纽约大学互动媒体艺术系客座教授 麻省理工媒体实验室博士 Visiting Professor, Interactive Media Arts, NYU-Shanghai PhD, Media Technology, MIT Media Lab
玛格丽特·明斯基(Margaret Minsky)通过创造多媒体作品来探索学习、即兴创作和思考。 她的核心研究领域包括触觉反馈技术(模拟您可以触摸和感觉到的物体的数字界面)以及计算机图形学和教育技术领域。在麻省理工学院媒体实验室期间,她开发了世界上第一种创建触觉纹理的技术。此外玛格丽特还研发了有关她的父亲马文·明斯基(Marvin Minsky, “人工智能之父”)的思想和音乐创想的在线学习环境。她最近的研究涉及旨在提高认知,社交和身体健康的肢体互动技术。明斯基是科罗拉多博尔德大学ATLAS研究所的顾问委员会成员,此前曾在Atari Cambridge实验室和Interval Research Corporation指导研究。
Margaret Minsky creates multimedia artifacts exploring learning, improvisation, and thought. Her core research has been in the field of haptic interfaces (computational interfaces that simulate objects that you can touch and feel), as well as in computer graphics and educational technology. She developed the first technique for creating haptic textures while at the MIT Media Lab. Margaret also produced an online learning environment about Marvin Minsky’s Mind and Music ideas. Her recent investigations concern embodied interaction with technology aimed at increasing cognitive, social, and physical wellbeing. Minsky is on the Advisory Board of the ATLAS Institute at the University of Colorado Boulder, and has previously directed research at Atari Cambridge Laboratory and Interval Research Corporation.
克里斯·罗杰斯 | Chris Rogers
塔夫茨大学机械工程系 约翰-R-比弗教授 工程教育和外联中心 顾问 塔夫茨大学教育系 兼职教授 John R. Beaver Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Advisor, Center for Engineering Education and Outreach Adjunct Professor, Department of Education
Chris Rogers earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at Stanford University, and joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Tufts University in 1989. Chris is interested in combining frontier research with teaching practices and outreach. At Tufts, Chris explores various new directions, including teaching robotics with LEGO bricks and teaching manufacturing by building musical instruments. Beyond working with LEGO Education and National Instruments for 20 years to develop school products, Chris also works with children, college students, and teachers around the world annually on finding creative ways of getting kids to think like engineers.
王濛 | Meng Wang
清华大学未来实验室博士后; 清华大学水木学者 Postdoc, The Future Laboratory @ Tsinghua University; ShuiMu Scholar, Tsinghua University
Dr. Wang obtained his Ph.D. degree in Design from Tsinghua University in 2019, and his research mainly focuses on Tangible Interfaces and Robotics. With his education and research experience in mechanics, electronics, design, computer science and other disciplines, he and his team have designed and developed a series of innovative interactive tools and installations which can be applied in future life, entertainment, and education.
丁峻峰 | Jeff Ding
同济大学设计创意学院环境设计专业,副主任,副教授 FABLAB O|“数制”工坊 创始人 哈佛大学设计学(数字设计) 硕士 Associate Professor, School of Design and Innovation, Tongji University Founder of Fablab O Master of Design Study , Graduate school of Design , Harvard University
联合MIT Fablab, 丁峻峰于2013年在同济大学设创学院开设中国首家数制工坊(FABO)。FABO曾获联合国教科文亚太文晖奖,承办两届中国教育学会《STEAM教育国际论坛》。丁教授先后独立创办了FABO X|智造学术X和FABO P|数制乐园STEAM教育课程和品牌系统,后受邀参与教育部教研院《中国STEM教育2029行动计划》丛书编辑工作,受聘为未来学校PBL导师团专家。
Together with MIT Fablab, Professor Ding Junfeng started the first Fablab in China in the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University in 2013. He founded Fablab O (FABO) and led an academic team to develop STEAM courses, such as FABO X, FABO Playground for colleges and K-12 schools. FABO co-hosted the <International STEAM Education Symposium> and won the <UNESCO Wenhui Award for Asia-Pacific Education Innovation>. Professor Ding was invited by the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences to compose the <China STEM Education 2029 Action Plan> series. And he was nominated as the PBL tutor of the 6th China Future School Conference.
李昕宇 | Xinyu Li
故宫博物院特约设计师; 文旅项目首席设计师 Contributing Designer, The Palace Museum Chief Designer, Cultural Tourism Projects
Lee Xinyu, as the founder of the new cultural & educational brand, Guan Song, participated in the overall design of the national VIP passageway of the Beijing Capital International Airport. As the chief designer of the Palace Museum, Lee’s other projects include the structural restoration and fabrication of the Hall of Martial Valor, the spatial and furniture mapping of the Jewel Hall, the overall design and construction of Jianfu Palace (Huiyao Building), and the integral and auxiliary item design in the Palace of Gathered Elegance and Palace of Earthly Hono (East Side Hall).
余至柔 | Justine Alexandria
上海余德耀美术馆执行CEO YUZ Museum Shanghai CEO
Justine Alexandria(余至柔)于 2015年10月加入上海余德耀美术馆, 2017年出任余德耀基金会总监,现任执行 CEO。任职以来,余至柔秉承美术馆“收而不藏”、“将艺术带进人们的日常生活”的理念使命,不断拓展优质展览和公共教育项目,支持国内外驻地艺术家,并积极与政府、社区合作。
Justine Alexandria joined the Yuz Museum as its Deputy Director in Oct 2015 and Yuz Foundation as its Director in 2017. Since that time, Alexandria has worked closely with the team to achieve the vision and mission of the museum, which includes expanding and exploring the Museum’s exhibition programs and collections, working with international and Chinese artists through its residency program, developing public educations and programs, as well as its outreach efforts to the community and government. Yuz Museum devotes to engaging Chinese audiences into international contemporary art and bringing more attention to Shanghai as well as China.
*所有嘉宾排名不分先后 *Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order
教育公平分论坛 | Equity in Education Panel
教育公平是推动社会公平的重要力量,数字化教育和人工智能则为教育公平带来了新的机遇与挑战。疫情 期间,教育信息化为教育公平开辟了新的路径,教育科技的显著增长以及新技术的部署将使中国贫困地区的人们受益。本次“教育公平”分论坛以‘数字鸿沟’为核心,旨在探讨大数据的发展如何重构贫困地区教育,推进公益项目,从而更好地缓解区域教育资源发展不平衡,为中国带来积极的教育生态变革。
Educational equity is a vital force to promote social equity. Digital education and artificial intelligence have brought new opportunities and challenges to educational equity. COVID-19 has accelerated the trend towards digital transformation in the education sector, in which education informationization has opened up a new path for educational equity. The significant growth of educational technology and the deployment of new technologies will benefit people in rural China. This ‘Educational Equity’ panel will take the ‘digital divide’ as the core. The panel will explore how the development of big data can reconstruct education in poverty areas and promote public welfare projects in order to alleviate the uneven development of regional education resources and make positive reforms of China’s education system.
薛浩 | Hao Xue
斯坦福大学农村教育行动计划博士后研究学者 Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Rural Education Action Program (REAP) at Stanford University
薛浩,经济学博士,主要研究领域为教育与发展经济学,近期研究重点是探索在线教 育对基础教育和教育公平的短期及长期影响,设计和评估基于在线教育和个性化信息的干 预措施来提升欠发达地区教育质量,推动相关教育政策。薛浩在国际学术期刊发表论文 20 余篇,受邀参与多个国家级和省级教育信息化实践项目的评审和指导工作。
Dr. Xue’s research areas are education, health, and development economics. He focuses on rural education policy, primary and digital health care, and human capital in China. Most recently, he works on exploring the impact of EdTech on education quality and equality, as well as designing innovative approaches using EdTech and personalized information to improve the education quality in underdeveloped areas in China. As the academic expert, he is invited to evaluate and guide multiple national and provincial educational information practice projects. He received his Ph.D. and BA degree in Economics from Northwest University.
杨临风 | Linfeng Yang
洋葱学院联合创始人及CEO CEO & Co-founder of Onion Academy
杨临风,洋葱学院联合创始人及首席执行官,毕业于哈佛大学, 长期关注教育、科技与社会创新。洋葱学院是中国最大的中小学在线学习平台之一,通过人机交互的学习方式提供优质的教育,累计服务全国超过5000万学生及180万教师, 曾被《财富》评选为中国最具社会影响力的20家创业公司之一,并获得央视网“2020年度影响力在线教育品牌”。
Linfeng Yang, co-founder and CEO of Onion Academy, graduate of Harvard University, has a long time focus on education, technology and social innovation. Onion Academy is one of the largest online learning platforms for primary and secondary schools in China that provides high-quality education through human-computer interaction learning methods. It has served more than 50 million students and 1.8 million teachers across the country. Onion Academy has been selected as one of Fortune’s 20 Most Socially Influential Startups in China, and was awarded the "2020 Influential Online Education Brand" by China Central Television.
唐虔 | Qian Tang
联合国教科文组织前助理总干事 Former UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education
Dr. Tang Qian, former UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education. Dr Tang joined UNESCO as Senior Programme Specialist in 1993, later on he occupied a series of posts including Section Chief, Division Director and Deputy Assistant Director-General. In 2010 he was appointed as Assistant Director-General for Education leading UNESCO’s Education Sector until his retirement from the Organization in 2018. In 2020, his new book "My 25 Years in an International Organization" was published, telling the story of UNESCO and its role in recognizing education as a true foundation of human development, vital for economic growth, social cohesion, and human dignity.
赵晓声 | Xiaosheng Zhao
国际互联网教育研究院特聘专家 全国教育科技研究评审专家 Distinguished researcher of International Research Institute of ICT-Based Education National Education Technology Research Review Expert
Dr. Zhao Xiaosheng, specially-invited expert at the global internet-education research institute, national evaluation expert in the field of educational technology research. He previously taught at Shanxi Normal University and Shanxi University of Science and technology. Dr. Zhao established the Shanxi Hope Project “Flying Actions”, a public welfare program related to educational technology, innovatively combining informatization and anti-poverty. The Department of Education of Shanxi Province included “Flying Actions” within the provincial anti-poverty work of education. Cyberspace Administration of China also highly acknowledged “Flying Actions” and practiced its non-profit format nationally.
*所有嘉宾排名不分先后 *Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order
家庭教育分论坛 | Family Education Panel
在当今社会下,科技高速发展、疫情带来多种不确定性、教育不断改革,孩子们面对的未来永远超出我们的想象。家庭教育要怎样成为孩子强有力的支持?一千个家庭有一千种家庭教育,什么更适合你的家?本论坛为您展示中国家庭、美国家庭、海外华裔家庭不一样的理念与做法,帮助父母和家庭探寻最适合自己与孩子的家庭教育。我们将通过专家分享、父母圆桌等形式,探讨不同的家庭教育理念、家庭教育与学校教育之间的关系,以及在科技时代下,家庭教育中如何处理孩子在科技产品使用上产生的矛盾。 With the rapid development of technology, vast uncertainties from pandemic and unprecedented revolution in education, children are facing a future none of us could imagine. How can families become the strongest support for our children? There is not ONE kind of successful family education, but rather, every family must find the suitable philosophy and practice for their own home to foster the healthy interaction between adults and children in the family. The “Family Education” Panel aims to explore and address the differences between the family education among Chinese families, American families, and cross-cultural background families. We hope parents and education practitioners could understand the individual as well as the cultural differences between families and subsequently develop their own ways to support the children. We will also discuss the role of parents in school education, the role of technology for learners in today’s increasingly tech-dependent society, and conflict-resolution of different opinions within the household.
李钧雷 | Junlei Li
哈佛大学教育学院早期教育Saul Zaentz讲席教授 Saul Zaentz Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
李钧雷老师是哈佛教育学院人类发展与教育研究生系主任及Saul Zaentz早期教育讲席教授。他通过在孤儿院、学校、和青少年社工等各个发展领域的工作,发掘了 “Simple Interactions”(www.simpleinteractions.org)简易互动的方法,帮助发现和鼓励老师或父母在日常中与孩子更自然地相处,并为促进积极的教育公平奠定了基础。李老师出生在中国,父母都是教师。他16岁来到美国,并从中国领养了两个女儿。
Junlei Li, Ph.D. is Co-Chair of the Human Development and Education Program and the Saul Zaentz Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Working in orphanages, schools, youth programs from North America to China, he develops the “Simple Interactions” approach (www.simpleinteractions.org) to help identify what ordinary people do extraordinarily well with children in everyday moments. Junlei was born in China to two parents who are educators. He came to the United States at age 16 and has two adopted daughters from China.
冯欣 | Xin Feng
俄亥俄州立大学 人类科学副教授及儿童情感实验室首席研究员 Associate Professor in the Department of Human Sciences and Principal Investigator of the Child Emotion Lab at the Ohio State University
Xin Feng, Ph.D is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Sciences at Ohio State University and a member of the American Psychological Association, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, and Society for Research in Child Development. Her research focuses on the interplay of temperament, emotion regulation, parent-child interaction, and contextual influences in the development of adaptive and maladaptive socio-emotional functioning throughout childhood. Her research has contributed to the understanding of the risk mechanisms of childhood internalizing symptoms, such as depression and anxiety, as well as the processes of emotional development and adjustment outcomes across normative and at-risk populations.
兰海 | Hai Lan
《兰海说成长》创始人 上濒教育董事长 Founder of “Lan Hai Talks about Growing up” Chairman of Schwabing Education
兰海女士从德国慕尼黑大学获得了教育学、心理学、社会学硕士,是 “中国母婴健康成长万里行”活动专家委员会专家,中国下一代教育基金会“育婴顾问公益培养计划”专家,以及中国管理科学研究院教育创新研究所家庭教育研究中心主任。已出版作品有《兰海说成长》、《兰海:成长教育公开课》、 《让我们一起读懂孩子》 等。
Hai Lan is an expert committee member of "Healthy Growth of Chinese Mother and Child", expert of "Nursing Consultancy Public Welfare Training Program" of China Next Generation Education Foundation, and Director of Family Education Research Center at the Institute of Educational Innovation, Chinese Academy of Management Science. She earned her Master in education, psychology, and sociology from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Her publications include Lan Hai Talks about Growing up, Lan Hai: Growth and Education Open Course, Let us Read and Understand Children, and so on.
钱志龙 | Zhilong Qian
UNSCHOOL·非学校创始人 Founder of UNSCHOOL
Dr. Qian earned a BA from PKU, China, two MAs and Ed.D. from University of Southern California, U.S. He has extremely diverse work experience including university professor, international school headmaster, governor and superintendent in both China and U.S. He has published 9 books. As an independent researcher, he visited 300+ schools and institutions in 12 countries and gave 300+ talks in education conferences around the world. With his apprentices, Terry is dedicated to realizing education equity through innovation, starting with an entrepreneurial project for parent education named UNSCHOOL, a community for life-long mutual learning.
*所有嘉宾排名不分先后 *Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order
心理健康教育分论坛 | Mental Health & Wellbeing Panel
Are you aware of adolescents’ mental health conditions? Are you concerned about their mental health issues? What kind of challenges has Chinese psycho education field encountered over the years? What should we do in the future to advance this field? The Mental Health & Wellbeing panel stems from the current situation of psycho education in China and sets out to discuss the challenges and opportunities in adolescent mental health services. Let’s start the genuine conversations together with love!
简里里 | Jane Li
简单⼼理创始⼈兼CEO Founder and CEO of Jiandanxinli (My Therapist)
简里里,简单⼼理创始⼈兼CEO。毕业于伦敦大学学院认知神经心理学硕士;国家二级心理咨询师。曾任中央财经大学讲师,于2014年创办简单心理。现任中国⼼理卫⽣协会⼼理咨询师专业委员会⻘年委员。2016年⼊选福布斯亚洲医疗健康领域30Under30⻘年领袖;2019年被Fast Company评为2019年中国商业最具创意人物。
Jane Li is founder and CEO of Jiandanxinli (MyTherapist), the top platform for psychotherapy service and training in China. Ms. Li received her master's in Cognitive Neuropsychology from University College London. Prior to founding MyTherapist, she was lecturer at Central University of Finance and Economics. Ms. Li is a member of the Psychotherapist Professional Committee at Chinese Association of Mental Health. In 2016 Ms. Li was elected to Forbes 30 Under 30 for innovation in the healthcare sector. In 2019, she was elected Most Innovative Business Person in China by Fast Company.
李新影|Xinying Li
中国科学院心理研究所研究员及博士生导师 中国科学院大学教授 Researcher and doctoral supervisor of Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor of Chinese Academy of Science
李新影,医学博士,中国科学院心理研究所研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院大学教授。中国心理卫生协会青少年专委会、中国心理学会情绪与健康专委会委员;国际社会认知科学学会中国分会理事;《Translational Pediatrics》、《中华行为医学与脑科学》杂志编委。从事儿童青少年心理健康研究,研究兴趣包括儿童青少年焦虑、抑郁、孤独症谱系障碍等。
Dr. Xinying Li is a professor in the Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is in the editorial board for Translational Pediatrics (SCI journal) and Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science (Chinese journal). Her research focuses on the gene-environment interplay and their impact on the development of childhood and adolescent mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety and autistic spectrum disorder.
杨意 | Yi Yang
美国临床心理学家,督导 Clinical psychologist and supervisor
Yi Yang, clinical psychologist and supervisor. She received her master’s degree from Oxford and doctorate from Cornell, and completed her post-doctoral work through Harvard Medical School. In private practice, she works with adolescents, adults, couples, and groups, with a specialty on international student and family mental health. She gives invited speeches at organizations in the US and China, including Harvard, MIT, Columbia University. She is the Director of China Psychoeducation at the MGH Center for Cross-Cultural Student Emotional Wellness. Her writings can be found at WeChat Official Account “杨意谈心” (ID: DrYiYang) and her website: DrYiyang.com
*所有嘉宾排名不分先后 *Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order
自我认知分论坛 | Identity Development Panel
Today, many students are struggling with these questions: “Who am I? What do I want to do? What kind of person do I want to become?” To help students realize their full potential, we need to help them explore their true selves and future roles in society, starting with raising the awareness of identity development for the general public in China. The Identity Development panel will share research and practice in the U.S. and China about identity development in adolescence and young adulthood and discuss the importance and possibility of identity development in China.
亚里克西斯·莱丁 | Alexis Redding
哈佛大学教育学院讲师 Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Alexis是哈佛大学人类发展与教育学博士。Alexis 主要研究学生在大学的经历和自我认知发展。她的研究领域包括:学生在大学的过渡经历,学生如何经历大学生活,高中的成就文化,大学招生中的舞弊现象,学生在高风险教育环境中的作弊现象。Alexis教授的课程包括大学学生发展理论,学生事务,青年行动。
Alexis Redding is an expert on the college experience and the development of today’s students. Her research focuses on the transition to college and examines how students navigate the undergraduate years. She has also done research on student identity development, with a focus on moral identity development and ethical reasoning skills. This work included studies of achievement culture in high school, fraud in the college admissions process, and student cheating in high-stakes educational environments. Today, she is a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education where she teaches courses in college student development, student affairs, and youth activism.
茱莉亚·郎 | Julia Lang
杜兰大学实践教授 杜兰大学泰勒社会创新和人生设计中心副主任 Professor of Practice and the Associate Director of Career Education and Life Design at the Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinking at Tulane University
Julia在杜兰大学创立了人生设计项目。她设计的人生设计课程被世界各地超过200个大学使用。她培训管理的人生设计讲师每年教授超过25个人生设计课程。 同时,Julia为对社会(公益)创业感兴趣的研究生提供关于设计思维,社会(公益)创业,推动社群参与的伦理道德等内容的工作坊。她还组织学生参与在美国、美洲中部和南部以及东南亚进行的体验式学习项目。
Lang created the Life Design program at Tulane and now trains and oversees a fleet of instructors offering 25 life design courses/year. Her curriculum is currently used by over 200 colleges and universities worldwide. Lang also runs an accelerator for graduate students developing social businesses, leads workshops in design thinking, social entrepreneurship, and ethical community engagement, and has led students on experiential learning programs throughout the USA, Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia.
石思宇 | Nancy Shi
探月学院创校升学中心负责人;COGITA Education Initiatives 中国北区发展负责人 Founding Director of College Counseling Center at Moonshot Academy Director of Business Development at Cogita Education Initiatives
Nancy在哥伦比亚大学获得国际教育发展学硕士。 从学术研究到一线教育实践,她不断探索回归人之为人的创新教育模式,用教练的方式引导青少年在全球化教育语境下发展自我认知,找到自己的生态位,成为内心丰盈、积极行动的创变者。她也通过共学的方式引导家长回归父母角色背后的真我,找到内在向心力,摆脱内卷的焦虑。
Nancy graduated from Teachers College, Columbia University with a M.A. degree in International Educational Development. She is a practitioner and pioneer in innovative education in China. With a firm belief in everyone’s innate creativity, she has been dedicated to practicing humanistic education, guiding students to find their unique self, their relationship with the world and tap into their full potential to become fulfilled individuals and active global citizens. She employed co-active coaching method to empower parents to reconnect with their authentic self, free from education involution, make conscious education decisions and co-create a fulfilling life experience with their children.
*所有嘉宾排名不分先后 *Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order