哈佛教育学院人类发展和心理学方向在读硕士。本科毕业于乔治城大学麦克多诺商学院。亚马逊畅销书Hack College Like an Entrepreneur作者,致力于帮助大学生提高创业的思维和能力。曾在MasterClass教育科技公司以及Ridgeline Partners管理咨询公司就职。热衷于积极心理学和社会情感类学习,并且希望通过家长帮助更多的孩子提高社会情感类技能。Antonia Liu is an Ed.M candidate at Harvard Graduate School…

哈佛教育学院人类发展和心理学方向在读硕士。本科毕业于乔治城大学麦克多诺商学院。亚马逊畅销书Hack College Like an Entrepreneur作者,致力于帮助大学生提高创业的思维和能力。曾在MasterClass教育科技公司以及Ridgeline Partners管理咨询公司就职。热衷于积极心理学和社会情感类学习,并且希望通过家长帮助更多的孩子提高社会情感类技能。

Antonia Liu is an Ed.M candidate at Harvard Graduate School of Education, studying Human Development and Psychology. Antonia went to Georgetown University McDonough School of Business for undergraduate studies, and she published a best-selling book Hack College Like an Entrepreneur while at Georgetown. Antonia worked at an Ed-Tech company MasterClass and a management consulting firm Ridgeline Partners before coming to Harvard. She is passionate about positive psychology and social emotional learning, and she is working to collaborate with parents to help children develop strong social-emotional skills and enjoy more happiness.

刘卓韵 | Antonia Liu

家庭教育 | Parenting Seminar

哈佛教育学院学校领导力专业在读硕士。在哈佛大学系统地学习学校领导力,同时任Buckingham Browne & Nichols(“哈佛附中”)实习校长。曾在著名上市语培留学机构、公立名牌高中、国际学校工作逾10年,近八年专注于国际教育领域,擅长国际(双语)学校的创校和管理、学术课程设计及留学标化指导。2019年收获US News教育专业的前三名大满贯,包括哈佛大学School Leadership、斯坦福大学Policy, Organization and Leadership St…

哈佛教育学院学校领导力专业在读硕士。在哈佛大学系统地学习学校领导力,同时任Buckingham Browne & Nichols(“哈佛附中”)实习校长。曾在著名上市语培留学机构、公立名牌高中、国际学校工作逾10年,近八年专注于国际教育领域,擅长国际(双语)学校的创校和管理、学术课程设计及留学标化指导。2019年收获US News教育专业的前三名大满贯,包括哈佛大学School Leadership、斯坦福大学Policy, Organization and Leadership Studies以及宾夕法尼亚大学Education Entrepreneurship。

Fun Fact: 2019年我的学生和我一起录取了哈佛大学,分别攻读学士和硕士学位。

I’m currently pursuing my master’s degree in School Leadership Program at Harvard Graduate School of Education and have been successively serving as the principal intern at a public IB school and an elite private school in the Boston area, Massachusetts. Prior to Harvard, I have had a successful and fulfilling career of being a trained and educated school administrator with over 10 years of progressive education leadership experience including designing and customizing overseas college preparatory AP curriculum, recruiting and retaining highly qualified Chinese and foreign faculty, managing day-to-day operations and annual budget for the international division, teaching English and communication arts and achieving exceptional admissions rate by top North American and European universities, initiating China’s first need-based scholarship program, interning at US public and private K-12 schools.

钱浪 | Lang Qian

K12教育国际化的机遇和挑战 | Internalization of Chinese K12 Schools

哈佛教育学院人类发展和心理学方向在读硕士。本科毕业于北京外国语大学。曾任新东方托福口语老师。热衷于在学校环境下为父母提供更多育儿、支持青少年发展的帮助,以促进青少年的心理健康和社交情绪发展,为更多青少年成长提供更好的环境。Fun Fact: 每次穿衣服都先穿右手。Master of Education candidate at Harvard Graudate School of Education. He graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies Univ…


Fun Fact: 每次穿衣服都先穿右手。

Master of Education candidate at Harvard Graudate School of Education. He graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Former New Oriental TOEFL Speaking teacher. Passionate about providing parents with more support in childcare and adolescent development in school settings, in order to promote children's mental health and social emotional development, and provide a better environment for more young people.

Fun Fact: Always puts on the right sleeve first.

陈墨林 | Molin Chen

家庭教育 | Parenting Seminar