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刘家明 | Jiaming Liu

外务联合主席 | External Co-chair


Fun Fact: 想在西藏的大深山冥想+瑜伽

Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) Human Development and Psychology Master Candidate. Jiaming graduated from New York University with a bachelor degree in childhood education and special education and a minor in childhood and adolescent mental health studies. She is dedicated in understanding children's early development, and how curriculum design, learning environment, and parents-children relationship could impact children's growth. Before coming to HGSE, Jiaming worked as a special education teacher in New York City. She strived to create curriculum that welcome all students and promote professional development opportunities for teachers. Now she is involved in a research study focusing on improving rural China's education quality. She hopes to contribute to the education of rural children at the grassroots level.

Fun Fact: She wants to do meditation and yoga in Tibet mountains.



Fun Fact: 小时候是个狂热的哈利波特迷,觉得好的故事对孩子的影响真的很大

Emma Wu is a current master student in Technology, Innovation and Education program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. With an undergraduate background in Business Administration and Applied Psychology, she worked for two technology giants, Microsoft and Alibaba, before coming to Harvard. In her previous job roles, she had supported hundreds of teachers to use digital tools to enrich classroom experience and witnessed how technology could be used to empower education. Currently, she is passionate about education equity and exploring innovative ways to empower education in China.

Fun Fact: She is a big fan of Harry Potter.

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吴嘉曈 | Emma Wu

内务联合主席 | Internal Co-chair

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侯阅悦 | Sapphire Hou

秘书长 | Secretary

哈佛教育学院发展认知神经科学在读硕士,波士顿儿童医院Nelson Lab研究助理。目前主要研究方向是用脑电波预测婴儿患有自闭症的可能性。她本科毕业于波士顿学院,获应用心理学和经济学双学位,本科期间在一家脑机接口生物科技公司的研发部门实习,主要负责协助设计针对特殊儿童的神经反馈训练。她正坚定地走在探索人工智能为教育赋能的道路上,也坚信在不久的将来,脑科学能为教育的创新助一臂之力!

Fun Fact: 两个月内,用辅助英雄一路从青铜打到铂金。

Sapphire Hou is an Ed.M candidate in Mind, Brain, and Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education, and serves as a research assistant at Nelson Lab in Boston Children's Hospital. Her current research interest is by tracking babies' brain waves to predict whether a child would ultimately be diagnosed with ASD. She obtained dual bachelor degrees in Applied Psychology and Economics from Boston College. During her undergraduate study, she interned at a biotech company specialized in brain-machine interfaces, assisting with the R&D of neurofeedback training for children with special needs. She is dedicated to exploring ways in which machine learning could potentially empower education, and believe it or not, she has faith in leveraging the power of brain science to promote innovative education.

Fun Fact: By playing a support hero in Arena of Valor for two months, she was able to achieve the tier of Platinum all the way from Bronze.



Fun Fact: 对气味敏感 热衷于研究各种香料, 坚信自己本质上是一只企鹅

Zihan Zhang is an Ed.M candidate in International Education Policy at Harvard Graduate School of Education. She graduated from Tsinghua University with a dual degree in English Language and Literature and Business Administration, and went to the University of Melbourne to study public policy. During her college years, she visited lots of poverty-stricken counties in rural China and participated in the non-governmental organizations’ efforts to bridge the imbalance in regional education development under different cultural backgrounds. She hopes to become an active participant in the development of education in China and the United States with her curiosity about educational technology, her interest in education policy, and constant questioning of education reform.

Fun Fact: Sensitive to odors and smells, keen to study various spices; Steadfastly believe that I am a penguin


张子涵 | Zihan Zhang

运营总监 | Director of Operation


雷佳程 | Jiacheng Lei

市场总监 | Director of Marketing


Fun Fact: 喜欢收集圆滚滚的动物图片,画100只猪计划进行中。

Jiacheng Lei is a current master student studying Human Development and Psychology at Harvard Graduate School of Education. She graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and Studio Art from College of William and Mary, and obtained her M.A.T in Art Education from Tufts University along with a Massachusetts K-12 teacher’s license. She has worked as a curriculum developer in a non-profit organization designing free art education lessons for over 20,000 rural and migrant children in China, dedicated to improving educational equality and encouraging children to be creative thinkers and lifelong learners. She is exploring and evaluating different ways of learning and teaching from the perspective of developmental psychology. In the future, she hopes to contribute to building the bridge between academic research and educational practitioners.

Fun Fact: She loves to collect pictures of chubby animals. She is also on her plan to draw 100 pigs.



Fun Fact:小时候学了很多年曲艺,到今年已经说过十二年快板和相声了。

Brian Li is a higher education professional pursuing his Ed.M in Higher Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education, and he currently works at Harvard College Dean of Students Office. He currently serves as the Co-Chair for External Affairs at Harvard University Chinese Students and Scholars Association and Admissions Ambassador at HGSE. Brian graduated with a B.A. in Economics with High Honor and a minor in Global Education from New York University in three years and served as the only Dean’s Welcome Student Speaker at college Class of 2022 Convocation. Prior to HGSE, he worked in international student engagement and residential life at NYU. Brian is passionate about exchanging thoughts with practitioners, researchers, leaders, and students across the globe, and is particularly ready to lead the panel on internationalization of higher education and discuss ways education can serve a bridge across cultures and identities.


李佚凡 | Brain Li

财务总监 | Director of Finance


郑叶紫 | Yezi Zheng

技术总监 | Director of Technology


Fun Fact: 在害怕的同时又喜欢看各种刑侦案件/小说,痛并快乐着。

Yezi Zheng is a Junior studying at Boston College, a double major in Applied Psychology and Mathematics, minor in History. Though she was always a natural science student, her AP World History teacher in high school raised her interest in social science. After trying different majors in her Freshman and Sophomore year, Yezi started to have lots of interest in mental health education. She decided to explore and evaluate more about the educational field. Yezi believes that conductive education is more effective than indoctrination, allowing students to explore more about their life.

Fun Fact: Though really afraid, she loves to read detective novels.


翟洁芸,塔夫茨大学艺术教育方向在读硕士。本科毕业于江南大学设计学院的视觉传达专业。后获得英国南安普顿大学时尚营销专业一等学位(Distinction)。她曾在视觉艺术家叶子乐Kim Ye的工作室担任平面 设计师,与众多时尚品牌和杂志密切合作。现为美国国家艺术教育协会会员并致力于探讨如何在艺术活动中提升学生多维的思维能力和培养乐观的人格。

Fun fact: 柯基重度爱好者,铲屎官与梳毛官,家有餐巾纸粉碎机Orange小短腿一只。

Fira Zhai is a master's candidate in Art Teaching at Tufts University. She completed her BA from Jiangnan University, majoring in Visual Communication Design. After that, she achieved another master’s degree with Distinction at the University of Southampton, majoring in Fashion Marketing. She had been a set and graphic designer at the visual artist—Kim Ye’s Studio for two years in Shanghai. During this experience, she worked closely with fashion brands, fashion magazines, and the Shanghai Grand Theatre.

Fun Fact: She has a Corgi called Orange


翟洁芸 | Fira Zhai

设计总监 | Director of Design